All of our recipes can be used in your plan and with the tips below we are confident that you will be able to mix and match your meals based on what you feel like eating.
Let’s get into it!
You will need to adjust the portions of carbohydrates and protein in the recipe to match what you have been allocated on your plan, and also the serving size of the recipe.
Most of the recipes are made for one, two, or four servings. You will need to multiply your portions based on how many serves the recipe makes.
Here is an example:
You decide that you would like to make our Tikka Masala recipe here which makes four serves.
You have also been allocated 100g of cooked rice and 200g raw chicken.
Using 400g of cooked rice and 800g of raw chicken you can follow the recipe as is and roughly divide this into four serves. Over the course of the four meals you would consume the right portions.
The snack recipes work a little differently so please reach out to your nutritionist if you would like to include any of these.