- Wraps – as per your carb portion
- Spray olive oil
- JCN Chicken Tikka Masala – recipe can be found here
Preheat oven to 180.
Fill two mini baking dishes with the JCN Chicken Tikka Masala recipe. Make sure you leave around 2cm at the top of each dish so your filling doesn’t bubble over.
Cut your wrap to match the size of the top of your dish. If your dish is on the smaller size double your wrap up or line the bottom too. Place on top of your chicken filling and spray with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes or until the filling is hot and the lids are crispy.
This recipe is great for left over Tikka Masala and can be made ahead of time. Works well with other proteins too!
TIP – cutting holes in the lid will help the steam escape and prevent you losing half of your filling in the oven.
Serves 2