SMART goal setting

Whether you’ve achieved previously set goals or just struggling with motivation goal setting is an important task to help regain focus and organise our priorities. Goal setting is also nearly always done wrong and a poorly set goal very rarely gets achieved. At JCN we believe if you invest time into your goal setting and truly immerse yourself in these it will strengthen your commitment to the goal and increase your chances of seeing these through.

Start Big

When setting goals, it’s always important to start with the big picture. What do you want long term? This helps to set the purpose behind all the mini goals and give us a clearer picture on what is important.

Make them SMART

I’m sure we’ve all heard it before, but our goals need to be SMART. SMART represents Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic, & Time. These are all the different important variables in making your goal clear and concise.

Understand your why

Why you want to achieve your goals is probably the deepest but most important question you will ask yourself. This is often the most overlooked step in goal setting but it’s often the people who have a clear ‘why’ behind making change who are most successful in achieving their goals.

Task Yourself

Goals that are set with no actionable steps are the ones which are most often forgotten. We need to constantly look at our own habits and assess what we need to do each day to achieve our goals. Doing so will keep them fresh in your mind but also bring you back to the process of achieving the goal rather than only focusing on the outcome. Let the outcome drive the motivation to start change. But fall in love with the process to make this change permanent.


I have included a task below that I go through when setting my own personal goals. Use this to help guide you on your own goal setting.